SCAW is buying Scrap Metal

Scaw Limited is buying scrap metal at a very competitive price. Transport for scrap collection is provided at affordable rates. We are interested in long-term and short-term scrap procurement agreements with strategic scrap metal suppliers. We purchase the following categories of scrap:
•Carbon Steel Scrap
•Assorted Scrap
•Scrap Mill Balls
•Aluminium Scrap
•Chrome Scrap
•Stainless Steel Scrap
The following documents are required in order to sell scrap to Scaw: Scrap dealer’s license, Police report, valid tax clearance certificate (companies), TPIN certificate (individuals).
Payment is made within 24 hours upon receipt of invoice.
For inquiries, contact: Head Scrap Procurement, Scaw Limited. Email:
Mobile number: +260 950 050295/0955 948800/0969 097856